Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekend Recap-Winning some Lottery and a Backiotomy

This past weekend was an unplanned blast! The hubs unfortunately hurt his back really bad at work last week and will be out for at least 2 weeks. LUCKY.  Poor guy might need a backiotomy. I'm pretty sure after the third day he was home, he was bat shit stir crazy!!! This is what tipped me off........

 After 3 grueling hours of clipping and dipping, here is the before and after 

Puppa is so happy! It's like he's a new man. Hey, we all know how a new do makes us feel sexy!!!

On Friday I went to the beach for a few hours to add to my tan
 before us Northeasternahs get bombarded with the brisk fall weather.
Silver Shell Beach, Marion
Friday night was the unexpected fun :) We met up with a few friends and brought Mummsie along for some sushi!!! It was her first time, so we got her a little buzzed to make the raw fish experience a little easier. I could honestly eat sushi everyday of the week (I just ate it an hour before I wrote this post) lol. We pre-gammed at the house for a few and then enjoyed some wine, laughs and rolls. 
Josh and Mom


Saturday was another beautiful weather day! My sister and I went out for "Sister Saturday", which usually involves sisterly bonding, responsible day drinking and responsible spending. Because we had Gimpy (the broken hubs) with us this Saturday, we only went for lunch. But when I say only, I mean we ONLY won $205.00 bucks between keno and scratch tickets!!! I'm sorry, I'm bragging, but WOOT WOOT! So now we will be adding gambling to our list of Sister Saturday Festitvies. Winning this money does not help me at all right now with saving money, considering I've been holding out on buying the Naked palette and Kenzo perfume, an easy $160 at Ulta. Saving is sooooooooooooooooo hard!!!!

 Saturday night Josh and I sat out for a fire and relaxed. I hope that he feels better soon. He is one of those guys who doesn't really want to tell you that he doesn't feel good. Unless it's the common cold, then you would think he has the plague. We wrapped the night up with some Scattegories. If you haven't played this game, it is so much fun. Apparently I think/thought that Samuel L Jackson was a political figure, and Josh thought that the empire state building is called the Entire State Building. He defends himself with "Ya know, I meant the whole thing" bahaha. Board games on a Saturday night, man we are getting old.

"pigs are flying and hell is freezing over"

Back to work tomorrow after a long, relaxing, uneventfully awesome weekend ! We are all pooped!!! Sometimes the less you have planned the more fun you have. Go with the flow is my new motto.

 Feel free to follow me on Instagram-{Armywife80} before my pics hit the blog and thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

TWO-FER Tuesdays!

I've decided to start a weekly post. A lot of the blogs that I read do this. I like it because it makes me obligated to blog and holds me responsible to post once a week.....for now.   I realize as I get more readers that do not know me and/or only know me for what I post, I'm going to spill some beans :) Every Tuesday I'm going to post two random facts about me and my life!!

1.   I never missed a day of high school. I received a
perfect attendance award. I know, what a DORK!!!
2.     I had a nose job 10 years ago. Totally worth it.  

3. I knew that I wanted to be a Dental Hygienist since
I was in 4th grade.
 4. I have a ridiculously strong  work ethic. Not to toot my own  horn, but I am one 
of the hardest workers I know.   

5. I have alien toes. I'm sorry if you are getting a mental picture.
6. My husband was my booty call for 6 years (TMI?)  

7. I lost my dad to cancer when I was 20, and 3 days later,
laid him to rest on my 21st birthday. I lost my brother
when I was 16 to AIDS.
 8. I took ballet, tap, jazz, and gymnastics from age 
5-15, then I quit and switched to competitive
9. I have a serious salt sensitivity. If I have to much, it gets
so bad, that my fingers look like Jimmy Dean
sausages. No joke!
10. I shaved my head for Locks of Love in 2001. 
Pre-Britney. I looked like a 12 yr old boy.

Monday, August 13, 2012

DIY Shabby Chic Window Frame

Sooooo this week I came home to a real treat. Well, a real treat for me. No it wasn't flowers, lingerie, dinner, or a surprise vacation. It was these two!!!!

The hubs brought these home for me!!! He won't tell me where he got them, so I know that there are other goodies in his secret spot or he's doing something illegal to get em. Either way, SUPER PUMPED.

I started on one of them today. I sanded the entire thing down with my NEW Dewalt hand sander :) I got it at Lowe's and have had it hidden in my closet. WE don't share tools in this house.  Next I painted the entire frame with Valspar Swiss Coffee. It's the my favorite color paint to start with for any re-finishing. After one coat, extremely light handedly (please add that to your vocabulary), I let it dry. Then with an old sock, I pushed around Minwax English Chestnut stain. I wiped it off and lightly sanded it one more time.


 I hear Etsy calling my name!!! Happy DIY-ing!

ps- please disregard the hand in the photo. Josh got called in to work to do a delivery on his day off (that took much longer than it should have) and if I asked him to hang it tonight, I would have gotten the crazy eyes :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summers Coming to An End?!


summer/fall 2012

Now that summer is coming to an end, this is my favorite time of year. Those of you who are upset that I just said that aloud, please except my apologies :) I love August and it leading right into the fall. I love that the summer nights get breezy and cool, letting you mix and match warm and fuzzy with sandals and pina coladas. We tend to have a lot of bonfires on the weekends and because we are so close to the coast, it gets chilly. Here are a few staples from my summer/fall transition wardrobe! The fedora is from Target. Mossimo and only $13.00!! Such a cute compliment to any outfit really. I have had my AE jean shorts FOREVER, so I don't even know what they cost anymore. It's a wonder they still fit :) The pleather flips are from  Old Navy. I always get a few pairs each year. I've been staying away from the traditional plastique rubber sandals, as our dog has an obsession with them. I like these flip flops because they are affordable ($12 bucks) and my feet are in and out of water all summer long, so I don't feel guilty tossing em at the end of the season. Lastly, is my FAV must have. It's my Victoria's Secret Classic Fleece Hooded Tunic. I know $50 dollars for a sweat shirt seems a little much but I PROMISE you, you will live in it. You cannot have just one of these either. They are so warm and comfy and super universal with leggings, shorts etc. They shrink a little so I recommend buying one size bigger :)

STAPLE. These guys go with out saying!. When I'm not wearing my "jackie o" sunglasses, or as my hubby calls them, Windshields or My boyfriend Beats me Glasses (funny not funny) my aviators are just as important to me as chapstick. LOVE these!!!

Must have beauty products for this transitional time of year coming soon. What's your must have for Summer/Fall 2012?

Monday, August 6, 2012

At the End of the Day a Cliche is OK.

 I am going to share some sad news with you all, sooner than later. I feel that this will help me move along through out the grieving process.

Recently, I under went a procedure to remove some very (suspicious) cells and was told by my OB-gyn to make a reproductive decision rather soon, due to how quickly these cells could come back. Josh and I knew that we wanted to have children, but we didn't know when. My surgery was in the middle of may and my recovery time was 4 weeks. The day after I was in the clear for activies, the hubs had to leave for his two weeks for the military. After that very productive two weeks, he came home and that Saturday I took a pregnancy test. Doubting that it would be positive, considering we had a one day window, I was not concerned. 3 short minutes later, we both had our mouths hanging open and couldn't believe we were going to be parents. And of course he was bragging in his man hood at how good his swimmers are *take note, they will ALL take credit for this.

I can't not explain to you the thoughts that go through your mind when you are shockingly expecting ;) You are happy, anxious, possibly in denial but not really. And you will pee on four more sticks because you think that you could be that 1% that gets the false positive (ladies, positive tests are ALWAYS right).

After settling in with this idea of a baby, I bought some good books and told my mother, sister and my bffs. We are social drinkers on the weekend, and to see me sitting back drinking soda water....IS VERY SUSPICIOUS, so my activities changed pretty quickly.

Now to the tough news. On Friday, I went to the OB-gyn for my ten week appointment, to hear the baby's heart beat. I was going to be alone for this appointment, except that on my way there, my sister texted me to pick her up from work. Thank God. I had never met this doctor that I was going to see before, as they recommend you rotate with everyone when you are pregnant. I was seeing Dr Tripp, whom my sister had great things to say about.  After 10 minutes and what seems like 100 questions about my medical history, out came the microphone box to listen to the heart beat. He told me not to worry if he couldn't find it, because I'm small and it's very common. After a few minutes, he couldn't find it and I went in for an ultrasound. Within about 20 minutes, I learned that our baby had no heart beat and had stopped growing at 6 weeks.  Talk about one of the saddest things you will ever hear. You question yourself and think "what could I have done differently?". I opted to go to the hospital that day and have a d and c because he didn't know when I would miscarriage on my own. Plus at this point, I wanted this lifeless sac out of me.

After losing a father and a brother in a short amount of time, cliche's have become my enemy. I have gone through moments when I have felt like God is not fair. I have been mad at him before. There was nothing anybody could say to help me through the selfish feelings I had felt. This time it was different. Somehow hearing "Everything happens for a reason", helped me. Whether I have finally surrendered my control over to the man upstairs and/or truly trust this saying in life.

I have had 3 days to sit with this news and today is a new day. I am going to get some motivation today and try to push through these thoughts and the negativity that roams around me:)

Feel free to leave any funny cliches or quotes that seem to make your day and thanks for reading;)


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