This past weekend was an unplanned blast! The hubs unfortunately hurt his
back really bad at work last week and will be out for at least 2 weeks.
LUCKY. Poor guy might need a backiotomy. I'm pretty sure after the third day he was home, he was bat shit stir crazy!!! This is what tipped me off........
After 3 grueling hours of clipping and dipping, here is the before and after
Puppa is so happy! It's like he's a new man. Hey, we all know how a new do makes us feel sexy!!!
On Friday I went to the beach for a few hours to add to my tan
before us Northeasternahs get bombarded with the brisk fall weather.
Silver Shell Beach, Marion |
Friday night was the unexpected fun :) We met up with a few friends and brought Mummsie along for some sushi!!! It was her first time, so we got her a little buzzed to make the raw fish experience a little easier. I could honestly eat sushi everyday of the week (I just ate it an hour before I wrote this post) lol. We pre-gammed at the house for a few and then enjoyed some wine, laughs and rolls.
Josh and Mom |
Saturday night Josh and I sat out for a fire and relaxed. I hope that he feels better soon. He is one of those guys who doesn't really want to tell you that he doesn't feel good. Unless it's the common cold, then you would think he has the plague. We wrapped the night up with some Scattegories. If you haven't played this game, it is so much fun. Apparently I think/thought that Samuel L Jackson was a political figure, and Josh thought that the empire state building is called the Entire State Building. He defends himself with "Ya know, I meant the whole thing" bahaha. Board games on a Saturday night, man we are getting old.
"pigs are flying and hell is freezing over"
Back to work tomorrow after a long, relaxing, uneventfully awesome weekend ! We are all pooped!!! Sometimes the less you have planned the more fun you have. Go with the flow is my new motto.
Feel free to follow me on Instagram-{Armywife80} before my pics hit the blog and thanks for stopping by!