Some of you have seen me talk about getting pregnant and maybe you have read this post before, but today I'm going to get a bit shallow on you.
I'm going to share some reasons why I'm afraid to get pregnant.
#1 Let's face it, pregnancy means no wine. Wine keeps me sane. How does one go 9 months with out the earth's merciful beverage?
#2 Dinner Plate areaolas. I've always prided myself on having good a breast to areaola ratio. I've read that when your pregnant your nipples get double and triple their size and they will turn black.
What's next, do they fall off?
#3 Stretch marks. I know this is a small price to pay for a baby and I also know that every woman says that she doesn't care that she has them. Well I'm going to care. I think that you are forced to stop caring about things that you cannot change.
I also don't care what anyone says. When I get preggers, I'm going to slather that vitamin E, mederma, and cocoa butter all over my shit.
#4 I don't want to neglect my other "fur" children. I always notice that when someone has a baby, their instagram goes from pictures with their pooch to only pictures of the baby.
Did you give the dog away? What gives?
#5 Hemorrhoids. I may or may not have already had a small experience with this dirty word. NO BUENO!
#6 For a long time I was afraid that my body would go to shit after having a little one but
With that being said..
Lets go Procreate!!!!