Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Salsa Recipe

You wanted to know, so here it is! 

I had a ton of tomatoes left over this year in the garden, as usual. I don't know what happens but I sswear to God that these suckers pop up over night! 
Last year I canned just tomatoes and still have two jars left over so I figured that I'd do something different with them this year.
I've been making Chicken Salsa just about every week and Josh loves it, so instead of buying the crappy stuff, I decided to make my own.
 I grew green peppers, jalapenos, squash, zucchini, and green beans. The credit for my garden goes to my husband. It is supposed to be "my" project but I totally forgot about it and honestly didn't quite care about it this year.....until now. Thanks Babe!
  For 12 Pints
10 lbs of tomatoes
8 green peppers
2 large onions 
7 jalapenos
4 tbs fresh cilatnro
8 tbs minced garlic
8 tsp salt
1 cup of vinegar


1. Blanche tomatoes and then "pulse" in food processor until you get them to the consistency that you like. I like chunks, so I only pressed the button 3 times.
2. Cut onions and peppers into small pieces.
3. Add all ingredients into a large pan and bring to a boil. Boil and reduce until half the original amount (about 1 hour).
4. Before filling jars, make sure the lids and jars are sterilized. I made a water bath and had them on a low boil for an hour.
5. Pour hot salsa immediately into the jars leaving ½” space on top..
6. Put lids on jars and seal tightly, using a cloth to hold the hot jars.
7. When done filling jars, go back and retighten previous jars. 

8. Then get a hot bath ready and leave each jar in the bath for 20 minutes. 
9. Take the jars out of the water bath and leave on the counter until cool and the lids "pop".

This recipe came out amazeballs.  I keep getting in trouble for handing out jars to friends and family! I used some TJ's double roasted salsa for chips on football Sunday and it sucked compared to this!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesdays Suck

Last night I got into bed at 9:30 after going to put gas in my car and get pumpkin k cups (I do all of this at night, this way I can sleep later in the am). I was contemplating reading Gone Girl, but knew that if I got into it that I would be up all night. So I nosed around The Guiltless Pantry blog for some healthy recipes and proceeded to get in a dumb argument with my husband over a house project that we are no where near starting and how my elliptical is taking up space and collecting dust. You see our arguments tend to be all over the place. We have done counseling and have the tools to fight fair however it always turns in to tit for tat. 

So now I'm aggravated and can't sleep. It is 11. I get up to go eat ice cream. I hear Charlotte wake up. She's my dream baby that sleeps from 8-5:45. So I feed her and It is now 12 and I get her back down.

For the next 2 hours I lay awake listening to my husband who is tossing in turning because he is in so much pain. He takes two percocets and I persuade him to take a shot of vodka to help it along. He is still tossing and turning. We have a squeaky bed that I'm considering throwing in the fire pit!  It is now 2 am. 

I get up to my scheduled pumping session at 2:30 and sit bare ass on those Scat Mats on my living room couches. And btw they are doing a great job electrifying keeping the dogs off of the furniture but I'm pretty sure I've got grill marks on my derrière. 

It's 3 am and I go back to bed. 4:45 Charlee wakes up to eat. I put her to bed next to me and feed her. She then proceeds to fidley fuck around until 7. Between grunting and tooting and arms flailing, I think I slept 20 minutes. 

So I am up for the day! An hour earlier than normal. It's a work day. A 10-7 work day. Bless my heart and the patients that I will be using sharp tools on today. 

So I'm making my pumpkin coffee, realizing that Squawky Suzy (now in the swing) isn't going back to sleep. 

I come back into the bedroom to start getting ready and apparently I didn't get the memo that it's lights out. Josh is out cold upstairs with the windows open due to drug sweats. It is 51 is that bedroom. Both dogs are no longer dancing at my feet to go out and my baby girl is now in a deep slumber! 

Tuesday is my Monday and Tuesday is no friend of mine! 

PS right before I posted this, I was trying to get my older dog Puppa to go outside. He keeled over, yelped and then pissed all over the floor and himself. 

PPS He is fine now and I honestly think he has 100 lives. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Two years of pain and it ain't over yet.....

If you've been following along, it's been over 2 years since my husband's injury at work. It has been a very long two years full of pain, bullshit and fighting with workman's compensation to get where we need to get. Surgery. He has gone through chiropractic care, physical therapy, swimming with old broads, 3 sets of back injections and the list goes on. Needless to say that we will need some type of homeopathic remedy shiiiiit to get his kidneys and liver back in shape after all of the pain medication that he has continually been on. 

Finally not long after Charlotte was born was he finally given a surgery date and that was this past Friday.
We had to be at the hospital for 6am with a surgery time scheduled for 7:30. Unfortunately neither one of us were able to sleep the night before between Charlee's wacky sleep pattern right now and the anticipation of the surgery.
As you can see he is in great spirits! I wish that this would have been the same expression post surgery.

This is the one inch incision where the doctor went in and performed a discectomy. That's when they shave down the discs that are impinging (squeezing) on the nerve. The doctor also let me know that they found piece of cartilage pushing on the nerve too that he had to remove. The surgery didn't take long but he woke up with even more pain than before.

After leaving the hospital at noon we called the pharmacy to make sure his prescription for pain was filled and naturally workman's compensation didn't approve his prescription.  He didn't get his prescription until 5:30 and was in excruciating pain. This guy honestly can't catch a break.

Saturday Charlotte napped from 12-5:30 so we were able to spend some quality time together. All he asked for was a bonfire and s'mores. I made sure he stayed highly medicated and made him a Cape Codder just to be safe.

I got to take this little guy for a spin on Saturday. It's our new additon and I am in love. Seriously, it's super helpful to load up chairs and run back and forth to the house. No we don't live on a huge piece of property but carrying around everything can get exhausting.

 Sunday was filled with football, baby snuggles and fall finds! Josh is still in a ton of pain 3 days later. Hopefully things get better soon! Thanks for all of your well wishes. He thinks that it's great when an instagram pic of him gets a shit ton of likes :)

 Happy Monday!!!!

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