Linking up with Sami today for a weekend update and......
I decided to go get my hair did. After not showering for 3 days and having the 2013 flu for 5 days, I felt fugly! I've been wanting to go lighter and because my hair dresser is the God of color, I trust her with anything.
Here is the pic that I gave her...
Here is what I left with!
It will most likely take two more visits with her to get the all over color but she is amaze balls!!!
This gorg dress came in on Friday too!
This gorg dress came in on Friday too!
We went to a little redneck dive bar so that the men could play poker that night. Why did we go??? Because they have recliners that are in front of the fire place and the best decor EVER! 

Saturday was my good deed day. The hubs and I have a friend in Afghan. His wife is manning both of their homes while he is deployed. They are trying to sell their primary home and she lives in a rental with her children. Due to the SUB-ZERO temperatures that grazed our graces this week, she had maximized all of her heating options and her reality property had dropped to 40 degrees! She lives on a extremely steep hill (think black diamond with a -10 windchill on the back of a mountain) and the gas company refused to go down her driveway due to the snow and ice. So my bro in law, his bro in law and me and my sister made a special delivery to her house.......
Sexy car full of wood!!!! and a selfie with my new hat from GroopDealz!!!
Saturday night we hung out with some friends and made enchiladas and drank beeritas! #ootd you ask???
Best T Shirt Ever right?
Sunday morning I decided to make some blueberry pancakes...from scratch. However, I made these pancakes with baking SODA instead of powder. Shortly after we finished eating, I realized this. I then called my mom in panic mode and googled the shit out of "consumption of baking soda". We are still alive today to talk about it.
After breakfast we took the pups out back for a bit to run around and I captured some really great pics them!!!
And Because you've made it through this painfully boring post
This t shirt is the balls and because so many people liked it on instagram, I'm gonna give one away!!! Enter now wine-hos.