Friday, January 25, 2013

Letters with Lisette!

This link party will only run for 4 weeks, with the last day being the day after Valentine's Day.
Each week a different set of questions will be asked. The idea of this is for you to answer the question in letter format and address it to your prior single self!!!
This weeks question is.
"What did you think about dating and relationships when you were little?  

What do you think of them now?"

So grab a button and link up

Dear Jessica,  
You were waaaay too busy with dance from the ages of 5-14 to even notice boys. Hell, your chest represented a 12 year old male's until you were.....wait, well with a Vicki's bra now your fabulous, but still. Moving on, you quit dance at 14 to cheer lead in high school ....and then you noticed the boys. You had 2 serious boyfriends in high school. The first one, well he was the one that every girl wanted, but I assure you that when you are 30 he will be bald and teeth number's 8 and 9 will be missing, aka the front ones. The second boyfriend you fell for on a whim. Your cheer leading captain was dating his older brother and she said that you should date the younger brother and then you did, and then out of no where the switcharoo happened, then you got robbed and your best friend started dating him. I assure you that this was for the best considering that at some point soon in his life he will have a receding hair line and forever be attached to his mother's umbilical cord.
  Now it is your senior year of high school and you do not have any of the same friends that you have had since kindergarten because  some whore one of your old bf's is dating your ex, so, you meet new ones. These friends will only be acquaintances in your life, but it is nice to learn at such a young age, what an acquaintance is. You will also shortly learn what alcohol and bad decisions are. 
Long story short, the man that you met through these acquaintances was sent to you by God. He was sent to you to help you through the tough times that lie ahead. The traumatic years of losing your brother and father. 
After this,
you will spend the next few years going through the motions of what seems like the next right thing to do. Even though it's not.

Good luck,
 Jessica (ages 4-22)

Currently, I still believe to this day, that this one person was put into my life for a series of moments for a reason. Whether it be for structure or for grounding, it was what I needed. Looking back, I never really had a heavy heart. I never fell hard, I went with what felt right. I dated a lot before I settled down with my husband, and he too was a God send. 

Relationships are a give and take. You will always feel like you are on the 80% of the 80%/20% ratio. 

All that I know about relationships is that in this moment, I'm exactly where I am supposed to be! 
And I like it here.  


  1. "Some whore" hahaha... I say breaking the girl code definitely gives you that title! Great post dear :) Happy Friday!

  2. I the receding hairline comment made me laugh! I hope all my ex boyfriends go bald early :)

    The Tiny Heart
    January Group Giveaway!

  3. I really like the "you will always feel like you are on the 80% of the 80%/20% ratio" because, well, it's true. It doesn't mean it's true, but it does always feel that way.

  4. Hey girly loving the way your write so funny your personality it was too cute! I just found your blog from Wifessionals link up today and LOVE your blog! So of course I had to follow it :)
    Such a cute post!
    Your newest follower,

  5. teeth numbers 8 & 9! LOL! Spoken like a true dental professional! Too funny! Thanks for linking up!


Thank you so much for taking your time to leave a sweet comment. They make my day :)

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