Friday, September 28, 2012

Birthday Weekend and Gym Dandy!

This weekend is my B-day weekend and I'm so pumped!!!!! For some reason, since I was a kid, we always made a huge deal out of birthdays. To tell the you how ridick it gets, here is an example. I actually celebrate my Birthday Month. If you know me, you know this is true. ie; If I don't do something that I'm supposed to do........I say "hey give me a break, it's my birthday month!". Don't want to do the dishes? "hey It's my birthday month" and so on and so forth. This also is a nice way to not pay the bill for drinks ;) However I can only pull that one over on my sister or the hubs. 

I already got my Rebel T3i camera from the hubs as an early B-day gift. But unfortunately strict birthday rules, imply that you must have a present the day of also. Okay, so those are my rules and I like them. I have not been allowed to go upstairs for at least a week now per hub's orders. What really drives me more crazy is that some of my friends know what's up there and I only found out last week because I went to go get a game for game night and got the "STOP, you can't go up there!'. Lucky for Josh that he is still on workman's comp because I am a nosy son of a b.

Tomorrow is Sister Saturday and she's taking me to Patriots Place. It's at Foxboro Stadium where the Pats play. Tons of restaurants and shopping. I'm interested in one particular store that has these.
Present from my SIS!

I'm thinking either the black or the brown and red!!! Love them. Ps I've been such a shoe whore lately, that I need a new rack!!!!

Next Up!!!

This is my second link up with Tara over at Fabulous but evil and I likey!
I'm in love with all the fall colors of ESSIE. But as usual, I contemplated on buying them for too long that when I went back there weren't many colors left ;(


I go back and forth with ESSIE. I love their colors but some go on quite streaky. I'm not sure of how the stay power of this polish was considering I painting it over the last week's Nail Files Color Club LOL!!!
If it's any consolation when the ESSIE started chipping of the Color Club was still there, full force!!!

I hope that every one has a AWESOME weekend and hopefully I will have a great re-cap on  Monday!!


  1. I agree about essie being streaky sometimes! I've only tried a few, but that was my impression as well.

  2. I feel the same way with Essie polishes, I am a Sally Hansen lover because of the stay power and Color Club has great stay wear as well!

  3. happy birthday weekend!!!! that nail polish is such a pretty color!

  4. My husband cannot keep any gifts from me. You better believe I will dig through bags when he is at work. I just hate surprises. Have a great weekend!

  5. Love this color! I live in MA too!

  6. love your nails!
    p.s. i'm your newest follower :)

    xo brie


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