Thursday, March 20, 2014

DIY Laundy Detergent and Entering the Third Trimester!

About a year ago I found a concoction of ingredients online that showed me how to make my own laundry detergent. I had no idea how easy it would be or cost effective or how long it would last.

I purchased a 2 gallon glass gallon container from Target and all of my ingredients from Kmart. Zote soap was the hardest for me to find and Kmart had it, so I finished up my shopping there. What you will need.

1- 4lb 12 oz Box of Borax $4.39
1- 3lb 7oz box of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda
( I bought a 9 lb box and divided it) $18/3= $6
1- 3lb container of Oxy Clean Free $8.99
2- Bars of Pink Zote Soap $2.78
1- 4lb box of Baking Soda $4.00


First start by grating the Zote soap with a cheese grater. This by far is the biggest pain in the ass of all. I grate over a 9x13 glass baking dish. 
Grate one bar at a time and then dump grated soap into a trash bag.
Next add all of the above ingredients into the trash bag.
Take the bag outside and shake it all around. This was the best way that I could figure out how to mix all of it together. 
Cut a corner on the bottom on the trash bag off and hold it over your storage container until it all empties out.
We use a small metal ice scoop to scoop our soap out. You only need 2-4 tablespoons per load.
This batch lasted us about 11 months!!!! I still use regular fabric softener but I will probably be switching to vinegar once the baby comes. You just add a tablespoon of vinegar to the fabric softener hole instead of your regular Downy.
I've used this on our high efficiency washer with no problems and I've also asked the appliance guy at Lowe's if it was safe for front loaders, and he said "yes".
If you have sensitivie skin you can purchase the fragrance free Zote Soap. It is white instead of pink.
Also I've seen some people who add Purex Crystals fabric softener to the mix as well. 

Also today marks the beginning of my 3rd Trimester and I cannot believe it!!!!

I know our baby shower is right around the corner and I am DROOLING over this dress.
With the nursery set up and items being purchased off of the registry this is getting very real very fast. We registered at babies r us and Target and the items are flying off of the list like hot cakes!
I've never changed a diaper in my life until recently. 

Happy Thursday!!!!


  1. I can't believe it lasted you ten months!! That is awesome! You are looking great girl!

  2. 1 - You are completely beautiful.
    2 - I think you need that dress.
    3 - I'm intrigued by this detergent. I'm usually a liquid detergent girl but this seems like I could save some serious cash!

  3. I can't wait to make this soap... I need to do the sensitive skin version though.

    No worries on the diaper changing... you'll learn quickly on the job :)

  4. You need that dress. ASAP. I didn't buy anything special for my shower and while I was comfortable, I didn't feel super awesome. Do it! I can't believe you are in your third trimester! Craziness.

  5. I am really into the idea of making this! And so much cheaper!

  6. Jess you are gorgeous!!! Love that baby bump :)


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