Thursday, May 16, 2013

Are you Twerking today?

Thank you all for being so patient and desperately awaiting my return to blog world! Bahahah! 
 Our vacation was amazing and has made me quite lazy in all aspects of my life right now! I need to get out of vacation mode!
I will be back in full effect next week for link ups and a vaca recap!
But for now I'll leave you with this....
Caution* If you do not want to catch yourself singing "Twerking by the Batteries" all day, do not watch this.


  1. LMAOOO your title says it all! This video made my life!!

  2. Oh my gosh, this is too good! Great post!

  3. OMG I could had done without hearing her butt checks slapping togther but that was too funny!!

  4. what the french toast?!? was that sound her ASS???

  5. Can't wait for the recap and all the pictures!! How tan are you now?!


Thank you so much for taking your time to leave a sweet comment. They make my day :)

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